where to find research for your B2B white papers, reports and blog postsOne of the most time-consuming parts of writing a B2B white paper, report, e-book or blog post is conducting background research and finding credible sources to quote. While you may rely on Google for your day-to-day searches, you’ll want to get past the paid advertisements and unsubstantiated claims in this stage of your research.

That’s why I’ve put together a list of places where you can find relevant background information for your white paper.

Here are some internal and external resources that could help you with your research:

Internal Sources

Search Engines  

Technology Research

The following websites and blogs can provide you with a wealth of research about all things IT.

In addition to the above, trade magazines related to your topic can also provide you with valuable data.

Are there any other resources that I should add to this list? Please mention them in the comments below. If you have any other comments or questions about this lesson, please post them in the comments section or message me directly.

Do You Want to Know More About Writing Better White Papers?

This post is part of a series that outlines how to write white papers, as well as how to promote them to reach the widest possible audience. If you would like this series emailed to you for easy reference, please sign up for the No More Boring White Papers! e-course.

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