Frustrated b2b content marketer tearing out her hair

New research reveals that most B2B technology marketers are missing a major key to content marketing success. Here’s what it takes to be effective…

The Content Marketing Institute and MarketingProfs just released the B2B Technology Content Marketing: 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends – North America report. According to the report, 93% of B2B technology marketers use content marketing to attract and retain customers. However, only 34% believe they are effective.

Why do we have such a large gap?

One possibility is that only 33% of B2B technology marketers have a documented content marketing strategy. According to the report, “Technology marketers who have a documented content marketing strategy are less challenged with content marketing when compared with their peers who have a verbal-only strategy or no strategy at all.” In fact, 59% of the B2B technology marketers who have a documented content marketing strategy feel they are effective.

In addition to documenting your content marketing strategy, you also must act upon it. The study found that the most successful technology marketers follow their strategies very closely.

Other key findings from the study include: 

The findings from this study mirrored the results from the latest B2B content marketing report, which included responses from a wider range of B2B marketers. Both studies found that the most successful marketers not only document their content marketing strategies but also put these strategies into action. 

3 Ways You Can Apply This Information Now

  1. Check out the complete B2B Technology Content Marketing: 2015 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends – North America
  2. Read 10 Steps to an Effective B2B Content Marketing Strategy to learn how to get the best results from your content marketing.
  3. Click to share this article on LinkedIn. Sharing quality content increases your visibility and credibility with your existing contacts, creating conversations and potentially new business.