Chief Content Officer CoverThere’s a debate happening about the value of white papers. In an effort to produce more content, many businesses are pushing out poorly-written white papers that do little to engage their target audiences. This is flooding people’s inboxes with boring content and causing marketers to question the format’s ROI.

However, recent research has shown that white papers can still be a valuable part of your marketing mix. The B2B Content Marketing 2012 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends report revealed that 60% of marketers find white papers effective. If you market technology products or services, white papers are even more important. According to the Eccolo 2010 B2B Technology Collateral Survey Report83% of technology buyers said “white papers were moderately to extremely influential in helping them make their final purchase decision.”

So, how can you create white papers that excite and influence your target audience?

One answer is to use technology to reimagine the classic white paper. My feature article in Chief Content Officer Magazine explores how interactive white papers and video white papers are reviving the reputation of the B2B marketing workhorse. You can click here to check out the article and learn how new white paper technology is helping marketers make their content more memorable and relevant – and in turn increase their ROI.

Also, feel free to share your thoughts about white papers below.

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