Why You Must Create an Outline of Your B2B White Paper, Report or Ebook

Here’s a scenario you may come across when you develop a white paper or other substantial piece of B2B content for your company … You get your team to complete a creative brief, conduct interviews with subject matter experts, find compelling research to support your argument and you think you have a decent draft. However, […]

Does Building Relationships with Customers Really Help Drive Sales?

It seems as though everyone who works in sales is discussing The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. The book outlines the five types of sales professionals and cites research showing that the ones who focus on building relationships with customers actually perform worse than all of the other types of salespeople, with only […]

What You Can Learn from the World’s Worst Sales Email

You might be cringing and thinking, “My business would never send out something this bad.” However, many businesses are guilty of at least some of the same crimes in this email. Here are three things that are wrong with this message, along with tips that will help ensure that you never make these mistakes in your sales or marketing emails …

3 Keys to More Compelling Case Studies

This post was originally published by the Content Marketing Institute. According to the Content Marketing Institute’s B2B Content Marketing 2012 Benchmarks, Budgets and Trends Report, 70 percent of B2B marketers find case studies to be an effective content marketing tool. That’s because they can increase customer confidence in your organization, educate prospects on how to […]

The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Technology Marketing Buzzwords

Certain technology marketing buzzwords have become so widely used, that you may not question how awkward they sound. In fact, I’m also guilty of using some of them. Here’s my list of the five most cringe-worthy technology marketing words and phrases …

Is Your Content Marketing Too Safe?

Asking tough questions and challenging your customers can strengthen your content marketing. The B2B sales cycle is long – with customers reviewing multiple service providers before they make a purchasing decision. If your content is too general or “safe”, you won’t stand apart from your competition or show potential customers that you really understand their issues.

By challenging your customers – or providing them with content that forces them to think deeply about their problems and how to solve them – you will make your messages stick. Your content will resonate more with your target audience, which can lead to increased sales and improved ROI. Here are three ways that you can challenge and inspire your customers …

5 Easy Ways to Improve Your Headlines

Is the headline on your home page “Welcome to My Site”? If so, you are missing a vital opportunity to gain your readers’ attention. This Fresh Marketing Blog post will show you five simple techniques that will improve your headlines …

How Others View Copywriters

I had to get  in on the “How Others View My Profession/Hobby” meme. Do you think there’s some truth in this?  

3 Things to Look for in a Freelance Copywriter

Outsourcing your writing to a freelance copywriter can be a challenging task. The wrong writer can cause project delays, increase your workload and even cost you more in the long run. However, the right writer can make your life easier and improve your marketing ROI. Many marketing professionals work with several copywriters before they find the best fit. You can make your search easier by looking for the following 3 qualities in a freelance copywriter …

How to Increase the Conversion Rates on Your B2B Product Pages

According to MarketingSherpaʼs 2011 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report, generating high-quality leads is still the #1 challenge faced by B2B marketers. If you work for a B2B organization, much of your marketing probably aims to drive high-quality leads to landing pages for your products or services. However, once leads arrive at these pages, how many of […]

5 Ways to Improve Your Landing Pages for Better Conversions

As a B2B marketer, you put a lot of effort into getting your target audience to visit your website and opt in for your white papers, videos and reports. However, if your landing pages don’t entice people to request your content, a lot of your hard work will be lost. That’s why I wanted to provide advice on how to improve your landing pages …

The #1 Way to Improve Your B2B Marketing

The B2B market is changing. A few years ago, buyers were more likely to contact a sales representative to learn about a product. Now they prefer to conduct their own research – either through online search or their social networks – and wait to speak with a sales representative. If you want to generate more […]

How to Select a White Paper Topic that Drives Leads

White papers can be a key element in your lead generation mix, especially if you sell technology products or services. According to the Eccolo 2010 B2B Technology Collateral Survey Report, 83% of technology buyers said “white papers were moderately to extremely influential in helping them make their final purchase decision.” However, many white papers miss the mark when it comes to engaging an audience and driving leads. One reason could be because readers don’t relate to the topic …

What Count Basie Can Teach You About Writing B2B Marketing Copy

One of my favourite musicians is Count Basie. He was known for his minimalist approach to playing the piano and leaving lots of space between his notes. His music was exciting not just because of what he played, but what he didn’t play. I was listening to Count Basie the other day and began to think about how his minimalist approach could be applied to writing marketing copy. Here are my thoughts …

The Do’s and Don’ts of Using Jargon in Your B2B Marketing Copy

Communicating with jargon is understandable. Since you are immersed in your field on a daily basis, it may only seem natural that others should speak your language.

However, using jargon in your communications can confuse your readers and make them feel alienated. If your message gets lost under layers of complex technical talk, your prospects will look elsewhere for answers to their problems.

Here are 5 tips to help you understand when to use jargon and when to avoid it:

3 Ways to Spice Up Your B2B Marketing Copy

Is your corporate brochure a complete bore?

Do you cringe when you send prospects outdated material because you know the message just isn’t right? Perhaps you, like many marketers, have fallen into a comfort zone with your marketing or you don’t have the time or resources to develop new materials.

Here’s the good news …

5 Ways to Increase the Attendance at Your Events

The quality of your promotional copy can have a huge effect on the success of your live and online events. Over the past few months, I have reviewed numerous email invitations and landing pages and found common problems that could hurt your attendance.

I would like to share some tips, based on my review of these problems, on how to create strong promotional copy for your events.

The Sterling Cooper Guide to Overcoming Copywriter’s Block

I’m hooked on Mad Men. If you haven’t seen the television show, it’s about people who work in an advertising agency on Madison Avenue in the early 1960s. Don Draper, the head of the creative department, saves many client relationships by coming up with brilliant concepts at the last minute when his clients are about to walk. However, you don’t need to wait until you’re almost screwed to create great copy. Simply read on to learn the top 5 ways that Don, Peggy and the crew overcome writer’s block.