5 Free SEO Tools That Will Help Your Content Get Found

The #1 metric for B2B content marketing success is website traffic. Here are five free tools that will help you get more … If you publish a blog post, and no one finds it, does it exist? With 70% of B2B marketers creating more content than they did a year ago, it’s getting harder to […]

5 Common Mistakes That Will Kill Your B2B Content Marketing Results in 2015

Businessman in front of his computer looking shocked

Many B2B marketers go year after year with their marketing on autopilot. They run ads in the same magazines, promote themselves on the same social channels and push out the same sales messaging. If it’s working, that’s great. However, the tides are turning. B2B buyers don’t want to be sold to and are getting better […]

Does Building Relationships with Customers Really Help Drive Sales?

It seems as though everyone who works in sales is discussing The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. The book outlines the five types of sales professionals and cites research showing that the ones who focus on building relationships with customers actually perform worse than all of the other types of salespeople, with only […]

Should You Let Others Syndicate Your Blog Content?

When you publish great content on your blog, others will want to share it with their communities. They may even ask if they can syndicate some or all of your posts to their blogs. However, as a marketer, do you want your company’s posts on someone else’s blog? Syndicating your content has a number of […]

How to Create Google-Friendly Content that Increases Your Conversions

By Rachel Foster   If you’re using SEO as a marketing strategy, you’ve probably heard about Google’s recent algorithm changes. The updates are designed to penalize websites that are engaged in shady content practices, such as keyword stuffing and publishing bad content just to get traffic. I recently received an email from Outbrain stating that […]