The B2B White Paper Checklist

Congratulations! You’ve finished a draft of your white paper and are ready to move it into production. But before you email the file to your designer and head out for a celebratory beer, review this checklist to confirm that your white paper contains all of the pieces that you need to engage readers and increase […]

Does Building Relationships with Customers Really Help Drive Sales?

It seems as though everyone who works in sales is discussing The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. The book outlines the five types of sales professionals and cites research showing that the ones who focus on building relationships with customers actually perform worse than all of the other types of salespeople, with only […]

Should You Let Others Syndicate Your Blog Content?

When you publish great content on your blog, others will want to share it with their communities. They may even ask if they can syndicate some or all of your posts to their blogs. However, as a marketer, do you want your company’s posts on someone else’s blog? Syndicating your content has a number of […]

15 Ways to Get to Know Your Target Audience

One of the biggest factors impacting the success of your marketing is how well your audience relates to your content.  If your audience feels that you understand their needs and can help them, they will be more likely to respond to your calls to action. If your content isn’t relevant, they will tune your messages […]