7 Ways to Tell if Your B2B Technology Content Is Trying Too Hard

I recently attended a movie, and the theatre showed a commercial for a new smartphone. The ad featured the phone’s developers (or at least actors playing developers) talking about one of the phone’s new features. I can’t recall what the feature was, but my friend commented that it was something only a developer would care […]

How to Build Credibility with B2B Technology Buyers

I recently attended a Spiceworks event where a panel of IT buyers told a room of technology marketers exactly what they like and don’t like about IT marketing. One of the most surprising things the panelists said is that all marketing content – even customer testimonials and case studies – can’t be trusted, as it’s filtered […]

What IT Buyers Really Think of Your Marketing

What if you could listen to a panel of IT buyers tell you exactly what they think about your marketing? I recently attended Spiceworks Unplugged, where a room of IT marketers had the opportunity to do just that. The panellists represented a variety of organizations – from a government agency to a family-owned business. And […]

Boost Your Content Marketing ROI With These 5 Discovery Tips

“This article was originally published by the Content Marketing Institute.” Ask 10 marketers what “content discovery” is, and you’ll most likely get 10 different answers. With all this variation, it can be hard to determine if content discovery is just a buzzword or something that can add significant ROI to your marketing. Content discovery has […]

The 2012 Best of the Fresh Marketing Blog

Before we look ahead to 2013, I wanted to take a look back at the blog posts that have generated the most interest on the Fresh Marketing Blog in 2012. And without further ado, here they are: 1.     7 Keys to a Successful Retweet This article explains the basics of how to retweet and shows […]

Does Building Relationships with Customers Really Help Drive Sales?

It seems as though everyone who works in sales is discussing The Challenger Sale: Taking Control of the Customer Conversation. The book outlines the five types of sales professionals and cites research showing that the ones who focus on building relationships with customers actually perform worse than all of the other types of salespeople, with only […]

Why Today’s “Content Marketing” Will Be Tomorrow’s “Marketing”

When people ask me about content marketing, I often want to tell them that it will be tomorrow’s “marketing”. Although content marketing is a relatively new idea, it’s gaining considerable traction among savvy marketers who are realizing the benefits of creating valuable and educational content for their target audiences. I believe that in the future […]

The 5 Most Cringe-Worthy Technology Marketing Buzzwords

Certain technology marketing buzzwords have become so widely used, that you may not question how awkward they sound. In fact, I’m also guilty of using some of them. Here’s my list of the five most cringe-worthy technology marketing words and phrases …

How to Get More Sign-Ups for Your Software Trials and Demos

If your organization sells software, you probably rely on demos and trials to attract leads and fill your sales funnel. However, since most software vendors now offer free trials, giving something away for free is no longer enough to convert leads. You’ll need to make your offers more engaging and relevant to your customers’ needs. Here are three ways you can increase the opt-ins for your demos and free software trials …

The 3 Biggest Shifts Needed for Successful B2B Content Marketing

Content marketing is a fairly new concept that many marketers are struggling to figure out. To achieve benefits from content marketing – such as increased brand awareness, web traffic, leads and sales – many technology marketers have to rethink most of what they were taught about marketing. Here are 3 shifts in thinking that will help you compete with your content marketing-savvy competitors and increase your ROI …

How to Increase the Conversion Rates on Your B2B Product Pages

According to MarketingSherpaʼs 2011 B2B Marketing Benchmark Report, generating high-quality leads is still the #1 challenge faced by B2B marketers. If you work for a B2B organization, much of your marketing probably aims to drive high-quality leads to landing pages for your products or services. However, once leads arrive at these pages, how many of […]

How to Bring New Life to Your B2B White Papers

There’s a debate happening about the value of white papers. In an effort to produce more content, many businesses are pushing out poorly-written white papers that do little to engage their target audiences. This is flooding people’s inboxes with boring content and causing marketers to question the format’s ROI. However, there are new ways to reimagine the classic white paper to excite and influence your audience …