According to research, 75 percent of B2B buyers said that the quality of your content has a significant impact on their buying decisions.
To engage prospects and turn them into customers, your copy must do the heavy lifting.
If you would like to shorten your sales cycle and generate more leads, you need powerful copy that:
At Fresh Perspective Copywriting, we understand B2B marketing. In fact, it’s all that we do.
Since 2009, we’ve helped B2B technology marketers attract leads, increase their conversion rates, and clearly convey complex messages.
We can provide you with:
Case studies that help you earn prospects’ trust.
White papers that educate your target audience and help them view you as an expert advisor.
Website copy and landing pages that engage customers and increase your conversions.
Email campaigns that boost your open and clickthrough rates.
Rachel Foster, CEO of Fresh Perspective Copywriting, is well known in the B2B marketing space. She has taught sell sheet, case study, and white paper writing for MarketingProfs. She was also one of the Online Marketing Institute’s Top 40 Digital Strategists of 2014. In 2019, she helped to develop the University of Toronto’s continuing education course in Strategic Copywriting.
As a tech marketer, you understand the value of data.
We’re with you.
Results-driven marketing isn’t about throwing words at customers and hoping that some of them resonate. Here are the steps we take to ensure that customers will engage with your copy (and sail through your funnel):
We pride ourselves on getting it right … the first time.
That’s why we’ll send you an outline of all long-form content (e.g. white papers and ebooks) before we write the first draft. This puts us in alignment early in the process, reduces revisions, and helps you hit your deadlines.
When it comes time to write, we will check the copy to ensure that we:
Clearly convey your message.
Include proof points such as testimonials or supporting data.
Speak to your readers’ stage of the sales cycle.
Address potential reader objections to help minimize their risk.
Finally, we will make any edits and have your copy proofread by two professional editors.
We want your copy to deliver results. That’s why we’ll help you create a plan to test its effectiveness.
For example, we can provide alternate headlines and calls to action that you can split test. We can also run usability tests to check the effectiveness of your headlines and calls to action.
Why let those lead- and revenue-generating projects collect dust any longer? Contact us today if you need copy that shortens your sales cycle and boosts your profits.